Made in Stithians: A Portrait of Paul Spooner at Work

Diese nun schon fast 30 Jahre alte Doku von Gary Alexander wurde früher schon digitalisiert und erscheint nun neu als Leih- oder Kaufversion (35 min) über Vimeo (Cabaret Mechanical Theatre). „In 1993, the filmmaker Gary Alexander, followed Paul Spooner through the stages of his working process as he attempted to make a new piece of automata in a single day. Nearly 20 years later the video has been remastered for digital and re-released (2022) for a new audience of makers, tinkerers and automata enthusiasts. Some of his other work is also shown.“

Hier der Trailer:

Watch Made in Stithians: A Portrait of Paul Spooner at Work Online | Vimeo On Demand on Vimeo

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