Simon Blades : Wortmetamorphose

In diesem Video sieht man wie sich das Wort „Felicidad“ langsam mechanisch in „Fantasia“ verwandelt. Da bin ich aber besonders neugierig auf einen Blick in die Mechanik dieses anspruchsvollen Werkes von Simon Blades, über den ich hier schon mehrfach berichtete.

The night of Art was great. I just thought to share this video now, because……..I forgot to put it before.?It took only a week to design and build all the mech .No drawings as usual.There must be someone or some Comany out there who wants to commission a complicated Automata.I am open to any ideas.As I also make animatronics I build for long term reliability I have no metal on metal parts, only bearings and teflon spherical rod ends so zero maintenance.I appreciate any help.Thanks.

Gepostet von Simon Blades am Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2019

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