Björn Schülke auf der Art Cologne 2015

Der Kölner Installationskünstler Björn Schülke stellte 2 seiner Werke in der Koje seiner New Yorker Bitforms Gallery aus und gab ein Interview für Vernissage TV.
Bitforms charakterisiert die Arbeiten Schülkes so:
„Bjoern Schuelke pursues a creative style that is equally influenced by modern abstraction and instruments of scientific measurement. The slow deliberate movements in his sculptures spatially consider mass and weight of form. Also influenced by the Dadaist tradition and Jean Tinguely, the theme of an absurd machine is key in Schuelke’s work. Playfully transforming live spatial energy into active responses, his objects experiment with solar panels, infrared surveillance, and propelled wind power. Many of his larger kinetic sculptures combine elements of surveillance technologies, robotics, interactive video and sound. Schuelke’s active sculptures question the way in which we interact with modern technology: on entering the installation site, the audience becomes part of the ’system‘ as the works (some freestanding, others suspended) monitor or react to the human element. (bitforms)“ Siehe auch die Webseite des Künstlers:

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