Ramona Alonso aus Arbole/Granada führt hier stolz eine Reihe von Spielzeugen und Automaten vor, die in ihrer Holzwerkstatt in den letzten Jahrzehnten mit Paco gemeinsam entwickelt wurden. Dabei können wir viele bekannte historische Vorbilder wiedererkennen, sehen jedoch auch interessante neue Automata-Kreationen (Via FB Paco Munoz)
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Dear Falk Keuten,
I’m writing you in this way because unfortunately I can’t find any other way to contact you.
My name is Thom Arends and I’m a student of the Netherlands Filmacademy in Amsterdam. Together with 4 others students, including director Oliver Garcia, I’m producing a short documentary about automata in the region of Falmouth. We’ve been here for two weeks and still have one week left to film people like Paul Spooner, Will Jackson and Keith Newstead.
Via some of them we heard about you and your website so I hope i can reach you in this way. It would be great for our documentary to have some footage / archive on anything within our subject to use for the film. We heard that your quite informed and therefore I was wondering if you could help me out providing some of these, of course if you have some. I can give you more information about us and the film if you’d like to cause I can imagine you want to know more.
I am looking forward to an answer.
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards,
Thom Arends
Thank you Tom, very interesting ! I wrote you a private message !