Tove Kjellmark(SE)

Die schwedische Künstlerin Tove Kjellmark aus Stockholm schuf einige  robotische  Skulpturen, so z.B. „Alone Together“, welche 2015 im Hauptbahnhof von Stockholm stand. Sie schreibt dazu : „A mimicking and talking sculpture in bronze that randomly catches live tweets and speaks them out loud. The digital public room gets a body and a voice. People of all ages were drawn to Alone Together – many were charmed, some confused, others delighted. And then someone took it into their head to break it´s neck. I put something into the world and I then observed how people reacted to it. In the process I learned something about the interaction between my intentions, the realisation of my intentions, and how people react to this fragile, but feisty bronze creature that emerged from my workshop. It is as if one can learn about fear and intolerance by introducing alien artifacts into everyday spaces and routines.“

Eine weitere Skulptur ist „Talk“ (2016). Dazu heißt es auf ihrer Webseite:

„Mixed media installation and performance, mechanics, skeletal parts, SpiNNaker board, 13 min dialogue.  Two robots with uncanny humanoid faces and strange skeletal bodies sit in a room, discussing a disturbing dream. As a visitor enters the room, the robots respond by moving their eyes, then turning their heads and speaking, as if an intruder has interrupted their conversation. We get the distinct impression that we are unwelcome, as the robots request that we “please be quiet” and turn back to their private conversation“

Und hier eine fast fünfminütige Vorschau bei Normallicht:

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