Niklas Roy: Suck the Balls – Level 2, Prag

Diese gerade im Goethe Institut Prag eröffnete interaktive kinetische Installation soll ein halbes Jahr lang dort weiter laufen. Die Beschreibung dazu findet sich auf Niklas Roy’s Webseite:

„The installation opened last week and will be running for the next half year. This time, the pneumatic track is roughly 70 meters long. It goes from the entrance hall, through the staircase into the first floor, where it passes the institute’s library, then it makes its way back to the ground floor. The balls race through the entire pipe system within 11 seconds, which makes them in average 22.91 km/h fast (The video above is in slow motion). That’s stunning to watch and fun to play with.
Give it a visit when you’re in Prague!“

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