„Shadows and Whispers“ heißt die Ausstellung von Nik Ramage , die im 900 Jahre alten Schloß Haddon Hall, Derbyshire, vom 28.Juli bis zun 30.September sattfinden wird und 40 großenteils mechanische Skulpturen zeigen wird.
Im Begleittext heißt es:
Throughout Haddon, the traces of history are evident in it’s fabric and spaces, vividly etched onto surfaces and steeped in it’s atmosphere. For this exhibition, Nik Ramage attempts to catch some of these shadows and hear some of these whispers. The sculptures placed throughout the public spaces of Haddon, try to pick up these echoes and peep into Haddon’s living past. Some of the sculptures are in plain sight, others are tucked into corners or nestled into nooks, all of them trying to attune to their surroundings.
Just as Haddon is composed of building from different eras, Ramage’s contraptions are assembled from parts from various times. Contemporary and antiquated co-exist. Maybe the past, the present and the future are not as clearly separated as we like to think but with blurred times between them. Nik Ramage’s sculptures celebrate the uncertain and the odd. Throughout Haddon, you will find these misaligned machines and wonky contraptions, each comfortable with their own quirks and running on Haddon Time.
(Nik Ramage’s Webseite ist noch im Umbau )